Our Chapter History

In 2017, Our Chapter Celebrated
85 Years of Service ~ 1932 to 2019

It was the patriotic spirit of Mrs. Russell Hart, Mrs. Count R. Boyd, Sr. (Mary Boyd), Mrs. Oscar F. Noel, Sr. (Jeannette Acklen), and Mrs. E. C. Tompkins (Agnes Gray Dexter), and possibly one or two others, who selected the name of the new chapter of DAR and promoted the first membership. Mrs. Hart was the chairman of the group. They contacted Mrs. Edythe R. Whitley, who was then a member of the Fort Nashbourgh Chapter DAR, asking her to aid them in promoting membership into their new chapter, which required an established number of new members to charter a new chapter.

At the time it so happened that Mrs. Arch E. Rucker and some friends decided to join the new chapter, which gave the necessary number of members for them to obtain a charter from the National Society in Washington. It was almost immediately accomplished. They were organized April 18, 1932. By 1990, the chapter maintained a membership of 70 members, 95 percent of whom were active members. Mrs. Whitley was very instrumental in the success of the chapter and she wrote the history of this chapter in 1988. Mrs. Whitley was the last of the founding members of the chapter. She died in September of 1989.

In honor of those who have served the chapter as regent:

Mrs. Russell E. Hart*, 1932-1933

Mrs. E. C. Tompkins*, 1933-1935

Mrs. Count R. Boyd, Sr.*, 1935-1937

Mrs. Berry D. Shriver*, 1937-1939

Mrs. Albert Boyd Whitley*, 1939-1941

Mrs. Henry B. Brackin*, 1941-1943

Mrs. Arch E. Rucker*, 1943-1945

Mrs. Count R. Boyd, Sr.*, 1945-1947

Miss Marianne Wade*, 1947-1949

Mrs. E. C. Tompkins*, 1949-1951

Mrs. R. H. Whitmer*, 1951-1953

Mrs. Henry B. Brackin*, 1953-1955

Mrs. Albert B. Whitley*, 1955-1957

Mrs. Count R. Boyd, III*, 1957-1959

Mrs. William E. Manning*, 1959-1961

Mrs. Walter B. Smith*, 1961-1963

Mrs. Currey L. Turner*, 1963-1965

Mrs. Oscar F. Noel, Jr.*, 1965-1967

Mrs. Scobey Rogers, Jr*. 1967-1969

Mrs. L. A. Newman*, 1969-1971

Mrs. Marion S. Cooter*, 1971-1973

Mrs. L. A. Newman*, 1973-1975

Mrs. Mary H. Procter*, 1976-1976

Mrs. Roderick D. Murray*, 1976-1977

Mrs. L. Bush Cole*, 1977-1979

Mrs. Roscoe D. Jackson*, 1979-1981

Mrs. H. E. Wolf*, 1981-1983

Mrs. James Kilgore, Jr.*, 1983-1987

Mrs. L. Bush Cole*, 1987-1989

Mrs. Gray D. Sands, Jr.*, 1989-1995

Mrs. John J. James, Jr.*, 1995-1997

Mrs. Helen Winsett*, 1997-1999

Mrs. Kenneth L. Ross, Sr.*, 1999-2001

Mrs. Robert Lehmann, 2001-2003

Dr. Gibson Elizabeth McKay, 2003-2005

Mrs. Andrea D. Lawrence, 2005-2008

Mrs. Lattie Brown, 2009-2011

Mrs. Kathleen H. Pohlid, 2011-2013

Ms. Stephanie S. Sturdivant, 2013-2017

Mrs. Susanne P. Thacker, 2017-2019

* Deceased Members

He who careth not from whence he came,
careth little whither he goeth. ~ Daniel Webster