River City Chapter  NSDAR


DAR National Society


Tennessee Society NSDAR


West Tennessee

Chickasaw District

Millington, Tennessee




DAR National Society                        Tennessee Society NSDAR


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River City Chapter NSDAR

Organized January 28, 1990

River City Chapter is named for the predominant geographical feature in the region, the Mississippi River. The mighty Mississippi, a major artery for our nation, played an important part in the settlement of this area. It is the western boundary for Shelby County and is of great economic and cultural value to all communities within its watershed. The river holds importance and will continue to for centuries to come.


With the assistance of Mrs. Victor William Edgman, State Regent, Tennessee Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Mrs. Henry A. Hudson, Jr., was appointed organizing regent for the first chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution to be formed in Millington, Tennessee. The Shelby County chapter, confirmed in February 1990 by Mrs. Donald Douglas Duncan, Organizing Secretary General, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, was named River City Chapter NSDAR.



Chapter History

Chapter History

Chapter History


History of River City Chapter NSDAR

Click photos below to view slide show of Mississippi River.