Old Post House
Few NSDAR chapters secure the privilege and responsibility of having the deed to a local historical site through an Act of Congress. This deed entrusted the Captain William Edmiston Chapter, NSDAR, with the activities and historic preservation management of this historic site.
About the Old Post House
Old Post House is located in the middle of the road along 41A North across from Fort Campbell at Gate 3. It is one of the oldest historical structures in our local area. Because it is midway between Clarksville, Tennessee, and Hopkinsville, Kentucky, it once served as a stop for the triweekly stagecoaches which operated between Nashville and the Ohio River towns. This building was also used as a post office, church storeroom, and an Army residence.

Deeded By An Act of Congress
In 1945, when Camp Campbell first opened, the government wanted to demolish the Old Post House, which was erected in 1830; however, Carolyn Haynes, a member of the Captain William Edmiston Chapter, NSDAR, intervened to save this historical site.
On November 26, 1945, Congress deeded the Old Post House and its .229 acres, to the Captain William Edmiston Chapter, NSDAR. Months later, a grand dedication ceremony was led by Regent Merry June Fain. The dedication was attended by government dignitaries from all levels. Music was provided by a 75-piece band from Clarksville High School.
Preserving and Maintaining the Old Post House
By the mid 1970s, the building’s secluded location made it a target for vandalism, thus the chapter searched for new ways to preserve it. In 1984, the chapter leased the Old Post House to the City of Clarksville for 99 years. In 1990, the City of Clarksville Transportation Department renovated the site as a bus stop. Then by 2000, the Tourism Department was responsible for the building, maintaining the grounds without using the building.

In February 2013, with renewed chapter interest in the site, Regent Gail Longton met with city officials to regain operation of the property. On August 1, 2013, the City of Clarksville cancelled its 99-year lease, returning the Old Post House to the chapter.
Today, the Captain William Edmiston DAR Chapter, NSDAR, allows community groups to utilize this historical building for special occasions, and we occasionally plan some of our events there.