Become A Member

If you live in the Loudon County area or are new to Loudon County and believe one of your ancestors may have served in the American Revolutionary War, we would love to meet you and discuss the possibility of you joining our chapter! Your Patriot does not have to have served in any particular state and does not have to have served in a military capacity.

For more details about the requirements to join DAR please visit this page on the website of the National Society.

Prospective Member Assistance

We have a Lineage Research Group comprised of members who have completed Genealogy Education Programs (GEP) who are more than willing to assist in researching the lineage to your Patriot. Our Membership Chair begins the process and provides paperwork to a prospective member, then assigns a volunteer to help with the lineage research. The chapter Registrar works with the volunteer and prospective member to ensure all requirements are met before submitting the application.