General William Lenoir Chapter, NSDAR

Serving Lenoir City and Loudon County, Tennessee

Our Mission

The General William Lenoir Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), welcomes you to our website. Our chapter is diligently working to meet the DAR goals of historic preservation, education, and patriotism. We invite you to spend time here visiting our site and web links.  If you are interested in DAR membership, please contact us. Thank you for stopping by, we hope to hear from you.

historic preservation

One of the main focuses of the mission of DAR is historic preservation. Historic preservation takes many forms. We are committed to preserving history for future generations, and we work to support the preservation and maintenance of cemeteries and graveyards in Loudon County. We also digitize documents and assist in indexing programs.



Educating America’s youth through programs, awards and contests is another goal of the DAR. We work with the Loudon County Schools to promote these endeavors. We also promote education through youth programs like the National Society Children of the American Revolution (N.S.C.A.R. or C.A.R.)



Many DAR activities are focused on promoting patriotism in our country, states, and local communities. We are dedicated to serving our Patriots and veterans. We support servicemen and servicewomen while overseas with care packages and welcome them when they return home. We are active participants in the HonorAir Knoxville program.


About the DAR

The Daughters of the American Revolution is a service organization in which each member is a lineal descendant of a Patriot who gave aid or served as a soldier in the American Revolutionary War.  Facts about DAR and information about joining DAR are available at the National Society DAR website.  Further information about DAR is available at National Society DAR and Tennessee State Society DAR.

You Can Become One in a Million!

The General William Lenoir Chapter, NSDAR, welcomes inquiries from women interested in learning more about their American Revolutionary War ancestry and membership in DAR.