From the chapter’s inception, Nolachuckey Daughters have worked to mark and honor the historic sites around Greene County as well as the burial sites of our veteran Patriots. Greene County is one of the oldest counties in Tennessee, and before the formation of Tennessee, the land that is now Greene County was once part of North Carolina. Thus, the history of both Indigenous peoples and European settlers in this area is long. Given this, the work to recognize and mark the historic sites in our county is ongoing. To date, the Nolachuckey Chapter, NSDAR, has placed over sixty markers denoting both the burial sites of patriots as well as commemorating historical sites.
Commemorative Marker
American Revolutionary War Patriot Grave Marker
Post-American Revolutionary War Veteran Grave Marker
Please click on a map marker for more information and directions. Markers located in the same general area are overplotted. Please zoom in to view all markers.