
Emory Road Chapter, NSDAR,

a Knox County Tennessee, chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR)


The Emory Road Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is comprised of women in the following counties: Anderson, Campbell, Knox, Jefferson, Anderson, and Union. We encourage those interested in joining our society to contact us.

We meet on the third Saturday of the month between January through May and September through December.

Our Objectives

Historic Preservation, Education, and Patriotism

Our History
Our History

On April 12, 2008, the Emory Road Chapter was organized …

Our Patriots
Our Patriots

A Patriot is someone who served during the American Revolution…

What We Do
What We Do

We are one of five chapters in Knox County, Tennessee …

You Can Become One in a Million!

The Emory Road Chapter, NSDAR, welcomes inquiries from women interested in learning more about their American Revolutionary War ancestry and membership in DAR.

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

God, Home, and Country

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is a non profit, non political volunteer women’s service organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. Their mission is dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history as well as working to secure America’s future through better education for children. Women having proved lineage to an American Revolutionary War Patriot are invited to join the organization.

Tennessee Society Daughters of the American Revolution

A Season of Service to God, Home, and Country

Our Tennessee Society DAR (TSDAR) was founded on December 18, 1892, with the organization of the Hermitage Chapter, NSDAR, in Memphis. Since that time, our organization has been dedicated to these objectives of historic preservation, education, and patriotism, and our many areas of work reflect those goals.

Children of the American Revolution

Training Tomorrow’s Leaders

Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) the nation’s oldest, largest, patriotic youth organization, offers membership to anyone under the age of 22, lineally descended from someone who rendered material aid to the cause of American independence as a soldier, sailor, civil officer, or recognized Patriot in one of the several colonies or states, or of the United States. C.A.R. activities focus on patriotism, service, and education about our American heritage.

The Emory Road Chapter, NSDAR, proudly sponsors the James White Society, C.A.R.

Do You Have a Patriot Ancestor?