Chief Piomingo Chapter
American Heritage Committee
- Inform
- Promote participation in contests for poetry, art, crafts, literature, music, and drama
American History/Tennessee History Committee
- Promote the study of American and Tennessee history, honoring historically significant people, places, dates, and events
- Promote participation in the American History Essay contest for students in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades
- Obtain and present "Awards for Outstanding Work in American History" to selected students
- Promote participation in the Christopher Columbus Essay contest for students in 9th, 10th, and 11th grades
American Indians Committee
- Inform and support financially
- Provide information to membership about DAR-sponsored efforts to aid American Indians
- Alert members to the need for financial assistance and educational aid to Native American youth
- Promote support of two schools
Community Service Awards Committee
- Provide recognition for voluntary achievements in cultural,
educational, humanitarian, patriotic, historical, or citizenship
endeavors, or in environmental conservation
Commemorative Events Committee
- Encourage and participate in various special commemorative events and activities that celebrate our history
Conservation Committee
- Inform
- Encourage and support ongoing projects for community beautification and conservation of our natural resources
- Submit candidate for "NSDAR Conservation Medal", if appropriate
Constitution Week Committee
- Urge the signing of proclamations by mayors designating Constitution Week
- Place materials for displays in public places, such as libraries and schools
- Solicit editorials, news articles, radio and TV news coverage, and Public Service announcements celebrating Constitution Week
- Provide "Constitution Sidelights" at each chapter meeting
DAR Good Citizens Committee
- Oversee the "DAR Good Citizens Award" contest
DAR Magazine Committee
- Encourage membership to subscribe to the American Spirit magazine
DAR Scholarships Committee
- Inform high schools about scholarships available; solicit applicants for them
DAR Schools Committee
- Promote contributions and support of the DAR schools
DAR Service for Veterans Committee
- Support and encourage veterans' programs in the community
- Present "Outstanding Veteran Patient", "Outstanding Youth
Volunteer", and "Outstanding DAR Service for Veterans" award nominees,
if applicable
The Flag of the United States of America Committee
- Educate members about the flag
- Present flags to new citizens at naturalization ceremonies, and at schools, etc.
Historic Preservation Committee
- Seek unpublished genealogical records and prepare them for use in the DAR library
- Participate in the GRC indexing project, if able, and encourage chapter members to do the same
Lineage Research Committee
- Assist potential members who have been invited to join the chapter to obtain required documentation for membership
Membership Committee
- Follow up on prospective member information received
- Help prospective members with application papers
- Be available to speak to local civic groups about DAR
- Keep in contact with prospective members and invite them to meetings
National Defense Committee
- Educate members about national defense issues at each meeting
- Distribute literature about national defense to members and others
- Obtain and present "Good Citizenship Medals" to selected students
- Obtain and present "ROTC Medals" to selected students
Public Relations Committee
- Tell the DAR story
- Contact media personnel about DAR activities and request coverage
- Supply media with DAR information
Scrapbook Committee
- Collect copies of news articles for the chapter scrapbook
- Send copies of such articles to the state Public Relations
Chairman via the Master Questionnaire and to the state Pressbook
Tennessee Genealogical Society Committee
- Liaison to historical records and events at TN Gen
- Provides support and information available at TN Gen for member research
Volunteer Coordinator Committee
- Obtains volunteers for activities such as cemetery clean-up, TN Gen assistants, refreshments, etc.
Volunteer Information Specialists Committee (VIS)
- Assist chapter members with DAR related computer skills and access
Website Committee
- Updates and maintains chapter website
- Coordinates with state and national DAR webmasters on website
Women's Issues Committee
- Bring attention to issues of health, career, and family to chapter members and others
- Assist in the promotion of healthy living, sound family relations, and other issues that affect today's women
Yearbook Committee
- Publishes chapter yearbook
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