Carrying on America’s Legacy

Tennessee Society Children of the American Revolution

Carrying on America’s Legacy

2024-2025 State Project

The Carrying on America’s Legacy state project will raise funds for HonorAir Knoxville.

These funds will allow East Tennessee veterans to take a trip to Washington, D.C. at
no cost to them. WWII, Korean, and Vietnam veterans visit memorials built to honor their sacrifice. HonorAir Knoxville takes two flights a year, one in April and the other in October.

These trips allow the opportunity for veterans to share experiences and stories with other veterans and allows them to remember fallen comrades.

For more information about membership or how you can support T.S.C.A.R, please visit our website at or email us at

Please join T.S.C.A.R. as we commit to Carrying on America’s Legacy